Polo Keyring – Ukraine Appeal

Polo Keyring – Ukraine Appeal

Polo Keyring – Ukraine Appeal


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Worldwide shipping from £4.50 & $16.00

SKU: KeyringUkraineAppeal Tags: , , ,

The horrific stories coming from Ukraine are impossible to ignore. We need to do everything within our grasp to help those that are suffering.We are making 100 special edition Ukraine appeal polo keyrings with 50% going to the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal organised by the Disasters Emergencies Committee in conjunction with 15 well respected member charities. This non-political appeal has been set up to provide emergency aid for families fleeing the conflict.With the commitment on the part of the British Government to match Pound for Pound the donations made to the Appeal (up to a total of £20,000,000) the full price that you will be paying for each belt or keyring will effectively be donated to the Humanitarian Appeal.We will only be making 100, but this is the very least that we at Estribos can do and we hope that we will support us in this course of action.

Delivery of this limited edition design is 2-4 weeks from the date of order. Please let us know if you might be interested narrower width belt or even a dog collar in the same design – when you make your own product anything is possible!


Polo Belt – Ukraine Appeal

From $75